Thursday, 16 February 2017

#4 Positive quotes to move on

Positive Famous Quotes

Positive Famous Quotes

There are things that we do not want to happen 
but have to accept, things we do not want to know
but have to learn and people we can not live without
but have to let go.

#3 Positive quotes to start your day

Positive Famous Quotes

Positive Quotes

Life is too short to start your day
with broken pieces of yesterday,
it will definitely detroy your wonderful
today and ruin your great tomorrow!

Have A Great Day

Wednesday, 15 February 2017

#2 Positive quotes to motivate

Positive Famous Quotes

Positive Quotes

Your mind is a powerful thing.
When you fill it with positive
your life will start to change.

#1 Positive quotes to start the day

Positive Famous Quotes

Positive Quotes

You are amazing, Unique and beautiful.
There is nothing more you need to be. Do
or have in order to be happy. You are perfect
just as you are. Yes, really. So smile, Give love
and enjoy every moment of this precious life.